Thursday, January 27, 2011

Looking Ahead, Lawley Retires

Retirement is something we all hope to one day achieve. We hope to do it in a comfortable way. We want to look back and think that we made a difference. We want to know we put in an honest days work for an honest days pay. I wish Barnett all the best. It is no mystery that in a position like his, you cannot please everyone no matter how hard you try. This being understood, Barnett is not my favorite commissioner. As a matter of fact, I'm elated he is gone. One screw up at my job wipes away a novel of at-a-boys and I'm sure in Barnett's case it is no different. My major issue with Barnett was the day he made his way into a position of influence, he made it known his number one goal was to implement buck limits. I was 17 or 18 years old at this time and instantly set against him. During the same time Dan Moultrie was showing up at the advisory board meetings banging the drums of buck limits. Next thing you know, Barnett's the Commissioner, our old hero's are thrown off the board and Moultrie is the chairman. The advisory board we admired, that knew us, that was our friend, was hijacked. Before anyone in Alabama knew what was going on, the board had a new face and a new leader. We were going to be regulated into submission of their ideas, no matter what the data showed, no matter what the history was, or what the studies said. Worse than that, we were going to face regulation no matter what the people said. Kind of like the gambling machines. They were going to find a way. Barnett himself told me that in three years I would be thanking him for what he had done. It's been over three brother and I aint there yet. Many like me in the hunting and fishing world began digging the fox holes and laying out strategies to fight but most still believed in them. The thought was they will never do this to us. Well they did it. Hunters across Alabama were divided. Now here we sit. It's been the worst three or four years of my hunting life because we had no voice, no friend, and no commissioner..... at least one I would claim. It is my hope that the new commissioner will be our friend. That he will listen. That he understands Alabama's history and the quality of the Alabama hunter. This state and it's hunters are unique because there can only be one #1. I'm personally offended when they quote to me what other state's are doing because we are the leader's and have proven that with the largest deer herd in America by land area. Regulation, Big Government, the idea that government knows best and will look out for you, is going to be the downfall of the country and under Lawley, in the Game and Fish Department, a monster few knew existed. All this being said, I hope he does well in his retirement and has good health and happiness. I did my best in opposing him and it is over. If I could find something to say, it might be that his retirement has restored my hope and I thank him for that.

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